Monday 21 July 2014

Allen Nazeri, Oral Health Specialist: Tending To Oral And Overall Health

Children, youngsters, and even grow-ups have a responsibility towards their oral health. Many of you may not be aware of dental health fact, that a healthy set of teeth are derivative of your overall health. Therefore, taking good care of those pearly whites may be more important than you might realize. Dental health specialists like Allen Nazeri support this statement and continuously try to education young minds through conferences held worldwide.

A reliable way to ensure complete dental health is by gathering all proven facts about orthodontic care and protection. Here, you’ll find a set of facts about your mouth, teeth, and gums that have the capability to influence your overall health.

Connection Between Oral Health And Overall Health

A renowned Doctor of Dental Surgery, Dr. Allen Nazeri will shed light on the connection between the heart and the mouth. Based on reports published by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease has a direct correlation with oral health. Studies have reported that people with moderate or advanced gum disease is more likely to have heart conditions than those with healthy gums. Additionally, oral health has always hinted towards a person’s entire health. Reputed dentist, Allen Nazeri DDS bases this connection on his years or experience. He adds that oral health is a reliable indicator or warning signs for other diseases or conditions in the body, which hampers overall health. Your dental health might effect, be influenced by or even contribute to following health conditions

1.       Endocarditis
2.       Cardiovascular disease
3.       Diabetes
4.       HIV\AIDs
5.       Pregnancy and Childbirth
6.       Osteoporosis
7.       Alzheimer's disease

There are other health conditions directly or indirectly linked with your oral care, for instance, Sjogren's syndrome, an immune system disorder which makes mouth dry. Therefore, one way or the other, you dental health will define your overall health. In fact, in case you are taking any medications for the same. In terms of general health of teeth, these simple steps will guarantee a long-lasting smile on your face.

Ø  Practice good oral hygiene regime daily, for instance, brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and use mouthwash before sleep.
Ø  Maintain a health, protein-rich diet for a good oral condition and limit between-the-meal snacks as much as you can.
Ø   Get a new toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner in case of grayed bristles
Ø  Most importantly pay a visit to your dentist on regular intervals for regular checks.

In fact, dental surgeon needs to be contacted immediately when an oral health issue arises. Remember, your oral and overall health is in your hands. 

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